The Community Impact Council encourages partnerships with a broad coalition that fosters collaborations among organizations providing services and education in Mesa County and those business and governmental organizations that support them:

  • Participate in a unique forum to network with other community organizations on projects, events and funding opportunities.

  • Access to training, tools and networking opportunities to engage with other agencies and stay updated on new programs, events and opportunities.

  • Receive information pertinent to creating effective programs, organizational efficiencies, and better policies and procedures.

We create collaborative spaces where professionals can learn and advocate for sustainable solutions to the most important issues in our community. Our broad coalition includes a wide spectrum of the most trusted nonprofit organizations in Mesa county, as well as partnerships with state-wide nonprofit support organizations as well as several generous business partners.


To provide a collective voice and forum for advocacy and education of nonprofits in Mesa County.


Ensure the sustainability and positive impact of nonprofits in Mesa County through education, advocacy and collaboration.


Everybody needs good community partners. These are some of ours:


Keira Auld

Kirk Granum

Tracy Gallegos

Shanna Shepherd

Vice Chair

Victoria Grasmick


Jessie Kelleher


Elaine Johnson-Craig

Abe Herman

Miguel Molina


Lindsey Wiltse